An exploration game inspired by old New England cemeteries in the woods. Created based on combining two prompts: The Museum of Me and The Weird and the Eerie.
Players roam the woods with a flashlight. Eventually, they may stumble upon an old and neglected cemetery. The headstones represent the parts of me that have “died.”
This game was inspired by getting lost in the woods one summer with my mom and brother. We were walking for hours and had no idea where we were. Eventually, we stumbled upon this graveyard where the most recent grave was just before the American Revolution.
I wanted to combine that experience of wandering lost in the woods with the design prompt: The Museum of Me. It made sense to make the game even eerier by including gravestones for myself, or parts of me that have died.
When I talk about parts of me that have died, I mean dreams I changed, personalities I shed, and some parts of me that I lost without control over. For example, one of the gravestones is labeled as “The Baby Girl.” I was adopted as an infant, but my original birth certificate listed my name as “Baby Girl.” Once I was adopted, my name was changed, so the name “Baby Girl,” died.
Designer and Programmer
Created in Unity
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